Resurrection Texts in this Book

Resurrection in Ancient Hebrew Literature
1.  Hebrew Biblical Texts
a. Deuteronomy 32:39
b. 1 Samuel 2:6
c. Job 19:25-27
d. Psalms 17:15; 16:10; 49:15; and 73:24
e. Ezekiel 37:12-14
f. Isaiah 26:19
g. Hosea 13:14
h.  Daniel 12:2-3, 13
i.  Isaiah 25:6-8
2.   Jewish 2nd Temple Period Pseudepigrapha
a. 2 Maccabees
b. 1 Enoch 51
c. 1 Enoch 103
d. Pseudo-Phocylides
e. Sibylline Oracles 4
f. Wisdom of Solomon
g. Psalms of Solomon
h. Fourth Ezra (Second Esdras)
i. 2 Baruch
j. Testament of Judah
k. Testament of Benjamin
3.   Qumranic Texts
a. The Hodayot (1QH 11:19-23; 19:13-15)
b. Visions of Amram (4Q543-549)
c. Pseudo-Ezekiel (4Q385)
d. Sapiential Work C (4Q424)
e. Words of the Luminaries (4Q504)
f. Messianic Apocalypse (4Q521)

Resurrection in the Gospels
1.    Apocalyptic Expectations in the early 1st cent
2.    Jesus, an Apocalyptic Prophet
3.    Confirming and Modifying Expectations
4.    Future Kingdom vs. Present Righteous Life
5.    Resurrection and Final Judgment
6.    Reactions to Jesus' Message, Life, and Death
a. Sadducees
b. Martha and Mary
c. Common Jewish People
d. Jesus' Followers and Disciples
e. The Pharisees and the High Priest
f.  King Herod Antipas
g.  Thief on the Cross
h.  Dead Saints in Nearby Tombs
i.  Roman Guards
7.   Jesus' Resurrection and Beyond
8.   Jesus' Apocalyptic Predictions

Resurrection in the Apostle Paul's Writings
     1.   Paul, the Man
a. The Greco-Roman Jew
b. From Pharisee to Nazarene
2.   Paul, the Apostle
a. Shaper of Early Christianity
b. Paul's Relationship with the Jewish Law
3.   Paul and the Resurrection
4.   Physical vs. Spiritual Bodies
5.   Resurrection vs. Rapture
a. 1 Corinthians 15:50
b. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
                             1) Parousía
                             2) Anástasis
                             3) Arpazo
                             4) Apántesis
                             5) Parallel Hebrew terms

Resurrection in Early Christian Writings
1.    The "Q" Material
2.    Luke's Acts of the Apostles
3.    The Revelation to John
4.    Gospel of Thomas
5.    1 Clement
6.    Odes of Solomon
7.    Apocalypse of Peter
8.    Apocalypse of Paul
9.    4 Baruch
10. Sibylline Oracles 2
11. Early Prayers, Creeds, and Hymns
a. Hymns and Formulas
b. The Didaché
c. Apostolic Constitutions
d. Early Christian Creeds
12.  On Resurrection by Justin Martyr
13.  On the Resurrection of the Dead - Athenagoras
     14. Discourse to the Greeks concerning Hades -

Resurrection in Early Rabbinic Writings
1.    Development of Rabbinic Authority
a. The Oral Law
b. The Fence Around the Torah
2.   Mishnah
3.   Tosefta Sanhedrin
     4.   Talmudim
a. The Babylonian Talmud
b. The Jerusalem Talmud
5.   Midrashim - Interpretations
a. The Midrash Rabbah
b. The Akedah - Binding of Isaac
c.  Death and Resurrection at Mount Sinai
     6.   Siddur - Orthodox Prayer Book
a. Shacharit - Morning Blessings
b. Amidah - Shmoneh Esreh Prayers
c. Funeral Service
d. Kaddish after Burial
     7.   Later Important Theological Writings
a. The Book of Beliefs and Opinions -
    Saadia Gaon
b. The Thirteen Principles of Faith and
    Treatise on the Resurrection